Anton Stankowski und Karl Duschek (1972 - 2011)
Nachverkauf 57. Kunstauktion: Mappe ( Design Marken )

Objekt-Nr.: 5359
Die Mappe enthält 3 Siebdrucke, lose eingelegt in Original-Mappe. 2
Blatt von Karl Duschek (Motiv: Funktionsmarke Gruppe Deutsche Börse)
jedes Blatt ist signiert. 1 Blatt von Anton Stankowski (Motiv: Formmarke
Lenz Management Services) signiert. Je Blattgröße: 29,8 x 21,0 cm.
Jedes Blatt mit winzigen Knicklein in den Ecken.
The folder contains 3 screen prints, loosely inserted in the original
folder. 2 sheets by Karl Duschek (motif: functional brand Deutsche Börse
Group) each sheet is signed. 1 sheet signed by Anton Stankowski (motif:
form mark Lenz Management Services). Each sheet size: 29.8 x 21.0 cm.
Each sheet with tiny creases in the corners.
Stankowski + Duschek, the graphic studio in Stuttgart for communication design in Germany. They shaped brands as design elements of visual communication. Those we remember (Deutsche Bank, iduna insurance, ergas product brand, University of Stuttgart) and many others.
Stankowski + Duschek, the graphic studio in Stuttgart for communication design in Germany. They shaped brands as design elements of visual communication. Those we remember (Deutsche Bank, iduna insurance, ergas product brand, University of Stuttgart) and many others.
- Technik: Siebdrucke auf starkem Papier
- Abmessungen in cm: 0.0/0.0/0.0 (H/B/T)
- Preis: 190,00 €